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by Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance

family playing outside with their soccer ball and dog

Fun ways to stay active and enjoy the outdoors

Old Man Winter is finally gone and now the weather is beckoning us to come outside. There are many benefits to being active, so let’s use the weather as an excuse to get outside and get moving. No matter your age, we should all be moving at least 30 minutes per day. The time you spend being active does not have to feel like a chore. It can be fun and doesn’t have to be exercise; it can simply be playing, exploring or connecting with the people you care about.
24 distracted driving

April is Distracted Driving Month

It’s important to stay alert and drive undistracted all year round. However, April is distracted driving awareness month and it’s the perfect reminder to pay attention while behind the wheel. There are many dangers of distracted driving, but here are some tips to help you be less distracted on the road.
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