Drive Less Save More Discount


Drive Less, Save More Discount

Low-mileage drivers can save up to 10% with our new discount!

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Find the answers to your Drive Less, Save More Discount questions here.


All Questions

  • What is the Drive Less, Save More Discount and how does it work?

    This discount applies to enrolled vehicles that are confirmed to be driven 12,000 or less miles per year. You must enroll each vehicle you believe qualifies based upon how much it is driven each year. Upon doing so, you will provide a photo of the odometer to receive an initial discount level. Then, on an approximately yearly basis, we will request an updated photo of the odometer which is used to confirm how many miles were driven that year. The discount level is then adjusted to reflect the actual number of miles the vehicle was driven.

  • What if I drive one of my vehicles a lot?

    The discount is considered on a per-vehicle basis. This means one of your vehicles may qualify for the discount while another vehicle may not.  Qualification for, and the discount level, is confirmed annually for each vehicle you enroll for consideration.

  • What happens with a vehicle change to my auto policy?

    The new vehicle will retain the established discount level for the vehicle that it is replacing.  At the time of the change, a photo of the new vehicle's odometer will be requested to establish a new starting point. Then, at the time of the established annual verification cycle, we will request an updated photo of the odometer. Those two odometer readings provide the actual mileage driven for that period of time, which is then used to annualize what the mileage would have been over a full year.

  • Who do I contact for help?

    Your Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent or marketing associate in your local county office can assist, as well as our customer service center at (800) 723-3276.

  • How do I set up the Drive Less, Save More Discount?

    You may request the discount through your local county office or by calling us at (800) 723-3276.

  • How is my rate calculated, and will it change month to month or year to year?

    The discount level is based on the number of miles driven per year for that particular vehicle. We validate that mileage via the pictures of the odometer, which we will request from you once each year.

  • What vehicles are eligible for the Drive Less, Save More Discount?

    All private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, vans and SUVs are eligible for consideration, subject to your ability to provide the odometer pictures and the final confirmed annual mileage driven for that respective vehicle.

  • Does the current number of miles on my vehicle affect my discount?

    No, the discount is determined by how many miles you drive per year, not by how much the vehicle has been driven in the past.

  • What if I drive more than 12,000 miles? Will my rate increase?

    Insurance premiums are determined by many factors. For this particular discount, if the vehicle is driven more than 12,000 miles annually, it is not eligible for the Drive Less, Save More Discount.

How does it work?

  • What is the Drive Less, Save More Discount and how does it work?

    This discount applies to enrolled vehicles that are confirmed to be driven 12,000 or less miles per year. You must enroll each vehicle you believe qualifies based upon how much it is driven each year. Upon doing so, you will provide a photo of the odometer to receive an initial discount level. Then, on an approximately yearly basis, we will request an updated photo of the odometer which is used to confirm how many miles were driven that year. The discount level is then adjusted to reflect the actual number of miles the vehicle was driven.

  • What if I drive one of my vehicles a lot?

    The discount is considered on a per-vehicle basis. This means one of your vehicles may qualify for the discount while another vehicle may not.  Qualification for, and the discount level, is confirmed annually for each vehicle you enroll for consideration.

  • What happens with a vehicle change to my auto policy?

    The new vehicle will retain the established discount level for the vehicle that it is replacing.  At the time of the change, a photo of the new vehicle's odometer will be requested to establish a new starting point. Then, at the time of the established annual verification cycle, we will request an updated photo of the odometer. Those two odometer readings provide the actual mileage driven for that period of time, which is then used to annualize what the mileage would have been over a full year.

  • How is my rate calculated, and will it change month to month or year to year?

    The discount level is based on the number of miles driven per year for that particular vehicle. We validate that mileage via the pictures of the odometer, which we will request from you once each year.

  • Does the current number of miles on my vehicle affect my discount?

    No, the discount is determined by how many miles you drive per year, not by how much the vehicle has been driven in the past.

  • What if I drive more than 12,000 miles? Will my rate increase?

    Insurance premiums are determined by many factors. For this particular discount, if the vehicle is driven more than 12,000 miles annually, it is not eligible for the Drive Less, Save More Discount.

How to get the discount?

  • How do I set up the Drive Less, Save More Discount?

    You may request the discount through your local county office or by calling us at (800) 723-3276.

  • What vehicles are eligible for the Drive Less, Save More Discount?

    All private passenger automobiles, pickup trucks, vans and SUVs are eligible for consideration, subject to your ability to provide the odometer pictures and the final confirmed annual mileage driven for that respective vehicle.


* Limitations and restrictions apply. Discount ranging from 1% to 10%, based on mileage up to 12,000, can be applied to eligible personal auto policies issued or renewed on or after 1/1/2023.

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