Jack Frost can nip at more than just your nose this winter.
Your house, usually your biggest asset, needs protecting too. Just a few simple tips can keep your home safe in the cold winter months.
Homeowners should take the following precautions:
- Clean out gutters. Remove leaves, sticks and other debris from gutters, so melting snow and ice can flow freely. This can prevent ice damming, a condition where water is unable to drain through the gutters and instead seeps into the house causing
water to drip from the ceiling and walls.
- Install gutter guards. Gutter guards prevent debris from entering the gutter and interfering with the flow of water away from the house and into the ground.
- Trim trees and remove dead branches. Ice, snow and wind could cause weak trees or branches to break and damage your home or car, or injure someone walking by your property.
- Repair steps and handrails. Broken stairs and banisters can become lethal when covered with snow and ice.
- Seal cracks and holes in outside walls and foundations. Use caulking to seal around any wall openings to prevent cold air and moisture from entering your home. Caulk and install weather stripping around windows and doors to prevent warm air from leaking
out and cold air from blowing in.
These simple things will help your home be winter-ready and allow you to enjoy the season. From our family to yours, we wish you the safest and happiest holiday season. Sources:Insurance Information Institute, www.iii.org