Just because you do not have access to a gym does not mean that you cannot get in a great workout when you are at home. Regardless of your current fitness level, you can build your own fitness plan that you can do anywhere and at any time of day.
Let’s start with the basics. Bodyweight exercises are great. No need for equipment, all you need is your body for these workouts. The intensity of the exercise will be based on the speed and repetitions (reps) you do. As a general rule, the faster and more reps you do the more difficult the workout will be. The three exercises that most people should do are squats, push-ups and planks. Try this basic at-home workout, 30 seconds of squats, 30 seconds of push-ups and 30 seconds of planks. Space the exercises out as you need to for your fitness level and try to complete 3-5 rounds.
Try to keep moving during your day, even if you just stand up and stretch. Schedule time during your day to get your workout in; aim for 30 minutes of activity most days of the week. A sample routine would be Monday strength, Tuesday cardio, Wednesday stretching/yoga, Thursday strength, Friday cardio, Saturday/Sunday stretching/yoga.
Want more suggestions on at-home workouts? We have great resources available to you. Here is a cache of at-home workouts for all fitness levels.
Take this time at home to better yourself and your wellbeing. Exercise is good for morale and keeps you from going stir crazy throughout your day. We hope you continue to stay safe and healthy during these times and know that we all are in this together.