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Love yourself this year and every year!

Young man listening to music with his headphones on the couch

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to treat yourself and the ones you love to something special. But a bit of extra love goes a long way every day of the year, regardless of the occasion. This February focus on loving yourself, because it’s important to show appreciation to you, from you!  


After the past few years, we all need to take time to care for ourselves and make sure we are mentally and physically well. Focusing on your mental and physical health can make a huge difference in everyday life, and right now is the perfect time to start just that!  


How to make time for yourself this year  


It’s time to start saying, “yes” to yourself and, “no” to the negative influences in your life. Life is too short to make excuses when it comes to your overall wellbeing. It’s time to put yourself first and that starts by making time for you and only you.  


Start by establishing a goal to set aside 15-30 minutes of your day to dedicate to yourself. During your “you time,” do something that makes you happy. Read a book, exercise, paint, organize something in your home, journal, meditate, nap—anything you enjoy that will help make you a better version of yourself.

Try to set down electronics during this time and step away from the screen. Looking for a real challenge? Go to the settings of your cellphone and put limits on apps so that you’re not spending too much time during your day aimlessly scrolling through social media. Once you hit your daily limit of social media or phone time, you may feel encouraged to put your phone down and finally pick up that book you’ve been wanting to read!  


Is your New Year’s resolution still going strong? If so, how can you elevate the resolution to reach even higher? Or, if you had distractions along the way, focus on getting back on track and sticking to your resolution. Looking to enhance your mental and physical health? These tips will help you to do just that!  


Activities you can do for yourself  


It can be challenging to brainstorm activities to do by yourself. Here are some ideas to consider. If you need more ideas, talk to friends, family members or co-workers or go online and find something that grabs your attention.  


  1. Join a fitness center, gym or club – In the beginning of the year, fitness centers, gyms and clubs may offer deals on memberships and classes. Or, if you are interested in joining but are not 100 percent sold, these places will usually offer deals to try a class or multiple classes for free before you purchase a membership. Joining a fitness center, gym or club is the perfect way to work on your physical and mental health. It is important to let off steam, and it could be a fun way to exercise, meet people and try something new.  


  1. Read a series of books – Last year, the Harry Potter franchise released a reunion episode with the cast and crew on HBO Max. Harry Potter fans all over the world were excited to relive the magical memories of Hogwarts through this reunion. This may be the perfect time to reread or begin reading the Harry Potter series or any other series out there. Reading a book is time spent away from a screen and lets you explore a world that is not your own.  


  1. Learn a new hobby – Sewing, gardening, painting, DIYing or meditating are just a handful of unique hobbies that might pique your interest. These hobbies are key opportunities to work on your wellbeing and spend time doing something you love or learn that you love! Make your hobby profitable by opening an Etsy shop online or selling your items to family and friends! 


  1. Watch your favorite movie alone – We all have our own go-to movie that makes us laugh hysterically, smiling uncontrollably or just cry. It’s time to turn the television on, cuddle up in a warm fuzzy blanket, grab your favorite snacks and candy and watch your go-to movie all by yourself.  


  1. Keep learning – A new year brings new opportunities, and one of those may be furthering your education or knowledge in a specific field of interest. Many companies and organizations offer education assistance to help employees further their education and knowledge. Stop procrastinating and start learning today!  


No matter what you decide to do for yourself this year, make it something you will look forward to. Life can get hectic, and you may find yourself giving too much of your own time to others and not saving enough time for your own wellbeing. You need to be your own priority this year and make that change in your own life. Treat yourself this February, especially, but also all throughout the year. 


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