Safety is an ongoing priority in everyone’s lives, now more than ever before. Whether it’s safety in the workplace, out in public or at home, we have all been doing our due diligence to remain safe. The month of June has been recognized as
National Safety Month – the perfect time to focus our attention on reducing causes of injury and death at work, in our homes, communities and on the road. Hopefully, you have already been practicing safety guidelines during this pandemic. If
you need reminders on helpful safety tips, here are a few to keep you and your family safe and sound during this worldwide pandemic.
COVID-19 Safety Tips recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- If you are out in public, always abide by the six feet apart social distancing rule
- If you are out in public, always wear your face mask and coverings
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and month
- If you do need to sneeze or cough, always do so into your elbow
- Clean and disinfect touched surfaces daily
- Monitor how you are feeling daily
Although everything related to COVID-19 seems like it has taken over our daily lives, it is imperative to know other safety tips during the start of summer and even for the rest of the year. Inside Story features multiple ways on how to stay safe doing various activities or using different equipment. We are here to remind you that safety is the number one priority of any endeavor.
Sun Safety Tips provides tips on how to be smart
when going outside in the sunshine. Overexposure to the sun can cause the skin to prematurely age, has been linked to conditions, such as cataracts, and is associated with the most common cancer in the U.S., skin cancer. If you do plan to spend any
time outdoors, these tips will be helpful for you and your family on how to be smart while playing under the sun.
Grill Safety Tips offers information on how
to be cautious while enjoying a great outdoor activity. Grilling is a great way to spend time with family and friends by getting everyone together for a cookout to destress from your long week of working inside. Take the time to read these quick tips
on how to be smart while grilling.
We know that Thanksgiving is a good six months away but anytime is good to fry a turkey. Turkey Fryer Safety Tips suggests
useful information while using a turkey fryer. This information can go hand-in-hand with any cooking experience, making this article worth the read.
Home Fire Safety Checklist provides a quick
checklist of easy steps on how to keep you, your family and your home safe from potential fire risks. This list provides useful reminders like when to change and test your smoke alarms to make sure they work. There is no such thing as being overly
cautious when it comes to fire safety.
Although many summer vacations may have been canceled this year due to the global pandemic, it is never too late to pack up the family and car for a classic family road trip! Road Trip Safety Tips suggests multiple tidbits on ways to stay safe while taking a road trip with your loved ones.
For all animal lovers, especially those on a farm, Animal Safety Tips offers helpful tips on how to keep your family and yourself safe when dealing with animals.
Although many places are slowly starting to open, the urge to continue home improvements during the time in quarantine continues. Before mowing the lawn or cutting down unwanted trees, Lawn Mower and Chainsaw Safety Tips will help you be smart while operating these pieces of machinery.
Safety is important 100% of the time. Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance understands that the unexpected happens, but we want to help you prevent it as much as we can with these helpful tips and tricks on how to be and stay safe!
*The information in this article was compiled from a variety of sources and is intended to provide helpful tips only.