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by Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance

Enjoy these 39 fruits and veggies all year round

fruits and veggies

It’s easier to eat the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day when they taste especially delicious and are available at a great price. Produce is at its peak of perfection and affordability when it’s in season. While spring, summer, fall and winter each host an assortment of fruits and veggies that are super tasty during the few months they’re in season, some produce is in season year round! The following produce items are available and delicious all 12 months of the year:

Apples Arrowroot Apricots, Dried
Avocados Bananas Banana Squash
Bell Peppers Black Eyed Peas Black Radish
Bok Choy Broccoflower Broccolini
Burdock Root Cabbage Carrots
Cranberries, Dried Celeriac (Celery Root) Celery
Cherry Tomatoes Chinese Eggplants Coconut
Dandelion Greens Fig Gai Lan
Galangal Root Kiwano Leek
Lemons Lettuce Mushrooms
Olives Onions Papayas
Parsnips Pearl Onions Potatoes
Rutabagas Salad Savoy Snow Peas

If your favorite produce isn’t in season year round, remember that frozen, canned or dried fruits and vegetables are still healthy options if they are harvested when they’re in season. So go to your local grocery store and get some fruits and veggies for you and your family today!


Source: Produce for Better Health Foundation: Fruits & Veggies – More Matters. Fruits & Vegetables in Season All Year Round. Retrieved from

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