Online Privacy Policy

At Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information. This Online Privacy Policy (“Policy”) was developed to help protect your information while using the website, our other sites and online accounts, our related social networking sites and pages as well as various content, features, insurance products and services offered or available in connection therewith (collectively, “Site”). This Policy explains how we collect, use, and safeguard information about you when you visit our Site. Please read this Policy carefully and if you do not agree with the terms, you should not provide any personal information on the Site. We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any time and for any reason. Any changes to this Policy will be posted on the Site and we will alert you about any changes made by updating the revised date of this Policy.

Information we may collect.

The categories of personal information we may collect about you on our Site include:

  • Contact and other personal information (such as your name, address, birthdate, driver’s license number, driving history, bank account number), which you provide on our Site in connection with obtaining an insurance quote, purchasing insurance online, making a payment, filing a claim, or your participation in other activities on our Site.
  • Information about you that we receive from consumer reporting agencies, such as credit worthiness and credit history, and from other sources, such as motor vehicle records, and the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange.
  • Information, such as name, email address, and phone number, which you voluntarily provide to us when you send us an email, register for online accounts, enroll in paperless preferences, enter contests, complete an online form, or connect to our Site.
  • Information our servers automatically recognize when you browse our Site, such as your IP address, your operating system, browser version, the address of a referring website, and the pages you visit on our Site.
  • If you access our Site from a mobile device, we may also collect information about the type of mobile device you use and the information about the location of your device.

We will never initiate a request for you to provide or confirm your personal information through an email unless you have requested such an email or transaction from us. Please do not respond to any email which asks for your personal or account information.

How we may use the information we collect.

Having accurate information about you permits us to:

  • Perform the functions and services you request or authorize.
  • Send you confirmations, receipts, updates, alerts, administrative messages, and otherwise facilitate your use of our Site or insurance products and services.
  • Increase the efficiency and operation of our Site.
  • Provide services to you that enhance your online experience. For example, if you start (but do not finish) an insurance quote on our Site, we will store your information for 30 days so you can pick up where you left off.
  • Monitor and analyze Site usage and trends and to improve your experience on our Site.
  • Solicit support for our Site and insurance products and services.
  • Request feedback and otherwise contact you about your use of our Site.
  • Verify your Indiana Farm Bureau membership.
  • Fulfill requests for additional information or contact from an insurance agent.

How and why we may share your information.

We may share information we have about you as follows:

  • We may share your information with third parties that perform services for us or on our behalf and with others with whom we have joint marketing agreements, such as insurance agents and the Farm Bureau Bank.
  • In response to legal process or a request for information, we may share your information as permitted or required by any applicable law, rule, or regulation or as necessary to investigate or remedy potential violations of our policies, to prevent insurance fraud, or to otherwise protect the rights, property, and safety of others.
  • When you use interactive features of our Site, your posts (including “likes”) may be viewed by all Site users and may be publicly distributed outside the Site by us or third parties.
  • We may allow selected third parties to use tracking technology on our Site, which will enable them to collect information about how you use the Site and Services over time. This information may be used to, among other things, analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, and better understand your online activity.
  • We may share information about you with third parties in order to deliver targeted advertisements on our behalf, including on third-party websites.

How we may secure information about you.

While we have taken reasonable steps to make the personal information you provide to us as secure as possible against unauthorized access, please be aware that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse. Any information disclosed online can potentially be intercepted and used by unauthorized parties. To help ensure security via the Internet, we recommend you keep your browser up to date with all current security patches, use a unique user name and password that you do not share, and prohibit anyone else from accessing your online accounts.

How we use cookies and tracking technology.

The Site may use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technology depending on the features offered. Tracking technology is useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the Site, and understanding how visitors use the Site. Cookies can also help us customize the Site and improve your experience. When you browse the Site, your personal information is not collected through the use of cookies. However, if you previously provided personal information, cookies may be tied to such information. Also, if you indicate that you would like your password saved for automatic sign-on, we may record your encrypted password in a cookie file.

How we respond to “do-not track” signals and disabled cookies.

We do not currently respond to “do-not-track” signals that may be sent from your computer or other electronic device. If we do so in the future, we will provide information about that practice in a revised version of this privacy policy. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can usually choose to set your browser to remove or reject cookies. Be aware that removing or rejecting cookies could affect the availability and functionality of our Site.

Our policy for children.

We do not use our Site to solicit information from or market to children under the age of 13.

Links to other websites and third party practices.

Our Site may contain links to other websites. It is our intent to provide links only to other quality websites. However, we cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of information you provide to these linked websites, or for that matter to any third parties. Any information collected by other websites or third parties is not covered by this privacy policy. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of any third parties, including other websites that may be linked to or from our Site. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites before providing them with your personal information.

Questions or comments.

If you have questions or comments about this Policy or our information privacy and security practices, please contact us at 1-800-723-3276.